SSH Guide

What is SSH?

SSH stands for Secure Shell. It is used to establish a secure connection to an account on another computer to access files or run programs without physical access to the machine.

At Western, we allow you to ssh into our Linux COW (Cluster Of Workstations) and Lab Systems from anywhere inside or outside the University to access the files in your account’s home directory.

Accessing Linux with SSH

Directions for Remote Access

SSH Config

If you find typing the whole ssh ${username}@${hostname} line into your terminal exhausting, there is a perfect solution for you: SSH configuration!

SSH configuration will allow you to use any shorthand alias to connect to a remote server, for example ssh linux for ssh ${username} Your ssh config file is found at ~/.ssh/config.

Here is an example of an ssh config file for SshConfig.png


  • You can call the Host anything, it does not have to be linux. It is just your alias for the ssh command.

  • Replace ${username} with your username or the account you have permission to use.

Getting files with SCP

To copy files from a remote machine that you can access with ssh, you can use Secure Copy, scp.

For Example, if you want to download document.txt using, from your local machine, use the following command:

scp ${username} ~/Documents/

Assuming this file exists, this command will copy the file document.txt from your CS account home directory (denoted with ~) to your local machine’s Documents directory.

Notice that scp uses a capital P for its port option flag.

This can also work in the opposite direction: copying files from your local computer to a remote destination.

scp ~/Documents/document.txt ${username}

This command will copy the file document.txt from your local machine to the home directory of your CS account renamed to copied.txt.

SSH Keys

Using an SSH key will make your login more secure. This section will give you the skinny on SSH keys and key usage. At the end of this section will be a link to a more in depth description on SSH security.

SSH keys are generated in a public/private keypair. When you ssh into another machine, it sends your public key to that machine’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. When you connect to that machine later, it checks your private key against the public key it has through cryptographic algorithms to verify your identity.

Your private key should never be given out to ANYBODY!

Western uses EdDSA in the form of Ed25519 for our key encryption method. To generate the key pair use this command in the terminal:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519

This command will ask for a passphrase and then generate two files in the ~/.ssh directory: id_ed25519 and The former is your private key (Keep it secret! Keep it safe!), and the latter is your public key signified with the .pub extension.

Here is an example of what the interaction will look like:


  • note: the password field appears blank because password characters are hidden in the terminal.

  • also note: if you leave the Enter the file in which to save the key line blank, it will default to the path in the parentheses.

Getting public key to WWU CS Systems from Off Site

After generating your key, you will need to send the public key to the /home/${username}/.ssh directory of the system you will access. On the CS Network, your directory will get mounted anywhere you would normally sign in for academic use (this may not apply to research or project systems). To get the public key from your personal system to the CS location, ssh-copy-id should be used.

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/${key}.pub ${username}@${host}

So if strongbad were to connect to the command would appear as below:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/

Other Key Formats

While all of the Computer Science department’s SSH servers accept newer key formats like Ed25519 this is not universally true. Some services outside the university might not. You may wish to consider another algorithm like RSA or ECDSA. You can generate those types of keys by changing which argument you give to ssh-keygen’s -t flag. For example, if you wanted to generate a 4096-bit RSA key you would do

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

You are now all set to use these keys!

Here is a more in depth page if you need more info.

Tunneling ANY ports through SSH

Let’s say you want to see information on machine B but can only do so going through a specific port. Instructions can be found here.

Utilizing the SSH Agent

While SSH keys allow for a more secure connection they still do not resolve the problem of having to enter a password for your public/private key each time you want to ssh into a system. ssh-agent and ssh-add solve this problem by decrypting the key and storing it in memory so that the user only needs to type in his/her password once.

Basic Usage

Step 1 Starting ssh-agent

The following command will start ssh-agent

eval $(ssh-agent)

Step 2 Add keys to ssh-agent

ssh-add will add the default key (id_rsa) and keep the passphrase stored in memory so that you do not have to keep typing it.


ssh-add will ask you for your password and store it for as long as you are logged in.

See loaded Keys

If you wish to see all of your loaded keys, use the command:

ssh-add -l

SSH-Agent Forwarding

If you would like to utilize SSH Keys rather than typing your password multiple times, a user can load their SSH Keys and pass their agent information across the SSH connection.

After generating SSH keys one needs to add it to their authorized_keys file. This is located at /home/${username}/.ssh/. If it is not there one needs to make the file. The cat line appends the public key to the end of the authorized_keys file, creating one as well if one does not exist.

cd /home/${username}/.ssh/
cat /path/to/${public_ssh_key}.pub >> /home/${username}/.ssh/authorized_keys

After this is complete, one can use the ssh_key to connect. To do this, one would leverage the -A and -i flags. For an example, if your cs username is strongbad, your private key is named id_ed25519_strongbad and you are accessing, the command would look like the below code block.

ssh -A -i /home/strongbad/.ssh/id_ed25519_strongbad

Leveraging your SSH config

As was demonstrated in the SSH config examination, the SSH config can make things easier. This is achieved by adding the IdentityFile and ForwardAgent options shown below.

Host labs labs-last
  User strongbad
  Port 22
  Compression yes
  IdentityFile /home/strongbad/.ssh/id_ed25519_strongbad
  ForwardAgent yes

After doing this, all strongbad would need to do is:

ssh labs

If you had not entered a password for your SSH key yet (all SSH keys should have a password), it would prompt you to enter that password, and then automatically sign you in. After this, once the key is loaded, you would not need to enter that password again.

Advanced usage

SSH is a very deep tool and can be used in a number of empowering ways.

X Forwarding

If you have an X server running on your local system (XOrg on BSD/Linux, XQuartz on macOS, or VcXsrc on Windows) you may want the option to forward your X traffic from the lab machine to your local system. Adding the -Y flag to ssh will do this for you, and will automatically pass it on to the lab system that it puts you on. Alternatively you can update your ~/.ssh/config labs entry with the following lines:

Compression yes
ForwardX11 yes
ForwardX11Trusted yes

When it comes to X forwarding, compression can really help speed things up. If you are not doing X forwarding it is not needed, and can often slow things down.

Let’s look at a sample X forwarding session to see if it works:

[strongbad@lappy486 ~]$ ssh -Y's password: 
Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '[]:22' to the list of known hosts.'s password: 

strongbad@cf418-15:~$ xeyes 

This created a window on my local desktop, but the application was running on the remote lab machine!
