CS Support VPN Guides

Please find the relevant guide below for your target VPN (WWU or CSCI) and your local Operating System (Windows, Linux/BSD, or MacOS).


The following instructions are available for getting connected to the Computer Science (CSCI) VPN, which affords more seamless access into the Computer Science network than the WWU campus VPN.

WWU VPN Guides

CS Support has produced step-by-step instructions for each of the below operating systems, detailing how to connect to the WWU VPN:

NOTE: As of 10/29/2021 the university requires MFA to access the remotevpn.wwu.edu system. We have not yet identified the changes needed for network manager. OpenConnect cannot be used without the openconnect-sso tool (see the above section). If you prefer to use NetworkManager to VPN in, you will need to leverage the CSCI VPN (directions are available on via links on the left side of the page)