Installing the CSCI VPN client for MacOS
Use of the VPN is required to access department resources. This provides greater security than if department-operated systems were exposed directly to the Internet. The VPN is for use from off-campus only; it is not necessary to use the VPN from on campus.
To install the Computer Science department VPN, browse to You will be presented with a page that looks similar to the following:

Click the “Download OpenVPN Connect for Mac” link to download the VPN client installer, saving it in a known location, such as the “Downloads” folder. Open Finder to browse to the folder, then double-click the installer, after which the following window should be displayed:

Double-click to install the VPN client, after which the installer will launch:

Accept the license agreement and click Continue:

Click the install button to begin the installation:

It is OK at this point to move the OpenVPN Connect installer to the trash:

After installation has been completed, open Finder and browse to the “Applications” Folder. The OpenVPN Connect client should be in the list, as pictured:

When the client first launches, an “introduction” window will be presented. Click the light-grey “X” in the upper right-hand corner of the window to close it:

Agree to the “Data Collection, Use and Retention” policy:

Click OK on the next window outlining recent updates:

On the “Import Profile” window, select “FILE” (not URL):

Download this configuration file
by right-clicking on it and selecting “Save Link As”. This file should go in the same location as before (e.g. Downloads folder):

Open Finder and browse to the folder the configuration file was downloaded to. Then, drag the file to the box on the “Import Profile” window:

The “Imported Profile” box will be displayed next. Verify the settings are loaded as displayed, then provide your WWU Universal username and password, and click “Connect”.

Upon successfully connecting, the VPN client will display the following dialogue.

After the VPN client is connected, you may use your system as normal, connect to Computer Science department resources, etc. Be sure to disconnect from the VPN after work has been completed. When next using the VPN, either open Finder and browse to applications, or click the icon in the menu bar, pictured below on the far left-hand side.